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      Counselling from Our Experts

        Frequently Asked Questions

        Athen Star (AS) is a one-stop platform for students who wish to pursue their studies abroad. We, at AS, assist students from the beginning of the application process to the time they set foot in the new country. We help students by taking care of profile evaluation, shortlisting of colleges, application submission to getting a studentsโ€™ visa. We also offer guidance to ensure that every student who signs up with us successfully books a seat in their dream university. We follow a unique approach to counselling following which our team of experienced study-abroad consultants work with student mentors to help you make the right decision for your career.

        Athen Star offers a bunch of services free-of-cost that includes preliminary consultations with a Leap counsellor, IELTS Masterclass as well as access to our events. However, we charge a nominal fee for our array of paid products that help you to fasttrack your journey towards your dream university.

        If youโ€™re applying for a Masterโ€™s program, youโ€™ll need to pay a service fee of Rs.499 that includes all the benefits of Leap Scholar. However, this does not include the college application fee.

        Leap Advantage is the programme through which we help high school students receive quality education for almost half the cost. Most undergraduate courses abroad are expensive and, at times, unaffordable for many. With the Leap Advantage Twinning Program, you can begin your undergraduate studies in India, and, after completing two years, take a transfer to the US and graduate with an international degree. This not only helps you save up to 50% of the program fee but also gives you access to a plethora of internship and job opportunities in the US. We also offer a Course Credit Program to help you earn US college credits while in high school. Also, we provide you with scholarship assistance and opportunities using which you can โ€˜earn while you learn.โ€™ Check out Leap Advantage for more information.

        For queries about IELTS Plus, please feel free to write to us at [email protected]

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